Yoyojam Spinfaktor yo-yo

Reviews of the Yoyojam Spinfaktor yo-yo. Add your own review or post a comment!

Yoyojam Spinfaktor (various models)

This yoyo rocks, it is one of the most amazing yoyos that I have ever used. This yo is very smooth on the string, since it is a flared gap shape it is great to catch on the string and never snags. It will take multiple strings in the slot of the yoyo and the bearing is great. With the aluminum rings around the sides of the yoyo gives it a great weight advantage over the DragonJam, it also has a rubber O-ring around the edge that makes it much easier on the hand when the yoyo comes back. This yoyo also used the same inverted starburst technology that all of the Yoyojam yoyos use and it works great. So all in all I would recommend this yoyo to anyone who wants a high performance yoyo, and for all this it is still under $25.00 at Yoyoplay.
Submitted by Utahyoyo

This is the first yo-yo I ever bought without trying it out first due to all the great reviews I had heard of it. When I got it, it just blew my mind. Absolutely incredible! This is the first yo-yo I can’t put down. It’s sooooooo good! It takes a little tweaking to get the gap adjusted right, and it needs to be lubed constantly. Once that’s done, you’re in for a treat. This puppy handles backspin superbly, it offers incredible sleepers, it’s responsive… what more do you need?!? I can do stuff with this yo-yo that I can’t on any others I have (I don’t own anything over $50 currently). I suggest you buy this one no matter what you have. It is bar none the best out there for the money. That’s why I have both a red and a black! BUY IT!!!
Submitted by Vegas

This easily one of the best string trick yo-yos ever! Almost anything is possible with the Spin FaKtor!!! Once you get the bearing broken in and the gap adjusted correctly, this thing plays like a dream. It seems to sleep forever and glides smoothly through any string trick. It may seem light if you’re used to Renegades, but it’s not too bad. This is my favorite freehand yo-yo and it’s pretty good for off-string as well. I prefer the Red Renegade over my SF, but I would still heartily recommend it to anyone looking for a good yo-yo under $30.
Submitted by SpinWizard

Rick Wyatt Mega SpinFaktor. This color scheme (lemon/lime green) with gold accents on semi-clear side panels is probably my favorite color of them all. It will be perhaps a little on the “heavy” side to many yoer’s out there…but to me, it was much to my liking. The ceramic bearing, (noise wise), was not too noticeable at first, but it did seem to increase and get louder and more noticeable, with continued use. I believe this to be true with the ceramic bearings…as the Samurai also has a ceramic bearing, but the sound IT produces is more of a high pitch “whine”. I read somewhere where Rick Wyatt did get a 10 min. sleeper (in competition) with the one he uses on his first throw, but it was said he didn’t have his string gap set correctly, and on his 2nd. throw ( which didn’t count ) after he made an adjustment, he was able to pull off a 15 min. sleeper. I can nowhere come close to even a 5 min. sleeper with mine, but I’m sure it’s the “rookie” in me more than the fault of this “super spinner”. It has also been said about this Mega SpinFactor that it is not the most responsive yoyo and that players who do not have a good enough arm may not even be able to get this yoyo to return. When first using it, there didn’t seem to be much of a problem getting it to return, however…upon checking out the string gap…it appeared to be set just a tad bit too wide. This yoyo is built for maximum sleepers, but I also like mine to return upon command. I found as I used it…it became harder and harder to get it to return. I feel like my arm is “good enough” but since it wasn’t returning I decided to do something about it. Since I tried several different things that “didn’t” work properly…I’ll just tell you what I did to make it more responsive to my command. I took ONE of Dr. Yo’s Turbo Disks ( the Turbo Disk’s hole is too small to go over the bearing in the “Mega”) so you will have to”enlarged” the center hole just a tad bit. I used an Xacto Knife, using a No. 11 blade. The No. 11 blade has a nice long taper with a small but fragile point that is just perfect for close cuts. I don’t suppose it matters which side you put it on, put I chose to put it on the side with the axle, that way I could see if it lined up properly. Now I don’t have to worry about my arm nor the yoyo not returning upon command AND it doesn’t seem to have hindered the play any whatsoever. I have no problems with any of the string tricks, in fact…I have found it plays much longer, than any other of the yoyo’s which I have at the present time. I can say however, this yoyo was NOT designed for “looping”. I am “very pleased” with the Mega SpinFactor and have not found any “negatives” to dwell upon. I told you the only fault of it not returning upon command, and I have solved that problem…”my way”. You may not need to do anything with your’s. My next step is to increase my “spin time” on the sleepers. It’s capable, the rest is up to me! I’m happy with mine, and I hope you will be too.
Submitted by Hoosier Rudy

Red Spin Faktor: Yep, it’s red. I ordered one of these from you know where…it showed up and it was great! I still love my Tigershark (the t-shark- so much bang for the buck) and still use it, but the Spin Faktor simply spins for a lot longer…longer than any other yoyo in my little collection. It looks great too, what with the see through, and the red, and the shiny aluminum rings. It’s got a good hefty weight to it, with most of it concentrated on the outside, due to the aluminum rings. It shouldn’t be used for looping (unless you want a concussion or a new TV set- this thing could shatter a toilet bowl), but it is amazing on the string, slides both ways easily, and is each to land for trapezes and weird mounts. As others have said, “I can do tricks with this yoyo that I can’t do with other yoyos.” To me, that ain’t cheating, it’s like driving a Porsche instead of a BMW. Now here’s my testament to both Yoyojam and Yoyoplay. After playing with my Spin Faktor for a solid hour, I noticed that there were some pretty bad cracks on it, where the aluminum is bonded to the plastic body. It had come shipped that way. I was obviously worried- these things aren’t cheap, and I’d waited a week and a half for it to show up. I called up Yoyoplay, and they were very helpful. Tracy simply told me to ship it back, and that he would send me another one immediately. It arrived in just over a week, and it is freaking fantastic. To me, this is a testament to both Yoyoplay and Yoyojam. I understand that during mass assembly, things sometimes get messed up, and that the process of mass manufacturing ain’t perfect. So what does a good company like Yoyojam do? They set up an arrangement with their distributors, so that it’s ok to ship out a good replacement piece of merchandise before the defective one arrives back at the store. Way to go to both companies, you guys rock (the baby).
Submitted by Yoyoda

A beautifully wondrous yo-yo. Smooth, not the least bit wobbly, and plays like a dream, very little maintenance, and is supremely outrageous on both smoothness, sleep time and every aspect on a string trick yoyo. Just don’t try and set world record looping stuff on this yoyo. On top of all this, since Yoyojam is into their product, if you have any problems you can talk to them directly! WAY TO GO! To sum it up, if you want to loop, get out of here! Otherwise, if you want a nice string trick yoyo, you might have just figured out the ultimate solution! GET A SPIN FAKTOR!
Submitted by Chasm

You guys gotta try it is awesome. For string tricks it is like lotion on your hands, or oil, or water. The main thing it is awesome. You better get one or I am calling your mom and tell her you been a bad boy or girl or homo. Well this yoyo rocks and rocks after rocks. Yoyoplay is where you can buy it. They gave it a really neat price. Once you play your eyes and hands will be glued to it. For looping it where evil lies. You don’t have to lube that much. The yoyo’s appearance is really shaggy baby. This bad boy can turn evil so watch out make it a good yoyo. Have Fun.
Submitted by Yomaniac 2/5/01

Super Spinfaktor. ok this yoyo rocks. it is just awesome. the ssf has 80% of its weight on the rings so it sleeps for sooooooooooo long. it is smooth, responsive when you want it, and sleeps forever. the only times it ever snapped back at me was when i messed up really badly. the ssf has a adjustable gap that does pretty well. if or when you take the bearing out be careful that you don’t leave bits of plastic in there cause then it screams real loud. the ssf is probably the best yoyo i have in my collection of eight yoyos.
Submitted by Rocketboy52 2/23/01

The Doctor Popular Super SpinFaKter is an awesome yoyo its sleeps right out of the packaging and i can easily pull 2 minute sleepers with it its one of my favorite yoyos in my collection its a good looper i can do about 25 loops in a row easily and awesome on string tricks and pulling double or nothings is easy and when it does bite it gives a good warning i would definitely say GET THIS YOYO.
Submitted by Edjk3 7/11/01

This yoyo is the bomb. It spins so so long, is soooooooo smooth on string tricks. I can do my best moves with this Swingset, Atom Smasher, Slinky, The Majors, the list goes on and on. I give the Super Spin Facktor a 9 out of 10.
Submitted by Ed M 7/09/02