Reviews of the Tom Kuhn Pocket Rocket yoyo. Add your own review or post a comment!

i just bought this wonderful yo yo. It may be small but it is big in performance. I was surprised at how well it performed for its size. I would recommend this yo-yo to anyone who was looking for a miniature yo yo. It has better string capabilities than the pro yo ace and it sleeps a lot longer.
Submitted by Max L 04/03/02
I love this little guy! It’s super smooth on the string, and it sleeps VERY long, longer than my TShark. It’s surprisingly heavy, but it weighs about the same as every yo-yo (50 grams or so). It is a modified aluminum yo-yo, but don’t pass on it for string tricks. The string gap is HUGE! Even larger than a Renegade’s gap (but not AS amazing as a full size Gade). The turbo discs add utlimate response, making the yo-yo smoother on the string, and last nearly forever. It’s a great yo-yo for the price. It’s metal, it’s ball bearing, it’s 1 and a half inches big!!! If you want a good yo-yo for sleeping and for fun, get this yo-yo. Highly recommended.
Submitted by SquashedBanana.
There’s an “old saying” that says….”dynamite comes in small packages!” They must have had the “Pocket Rocket” in mind when they said it, because it is a fantastic little piece of pleasure. Being only 1 1/2 inches in diameter doesn’t prevent it, or hinder it, in any way from performing like…”the big boys”. For its size, it is heavier than it looks, but this adds to its performance. The performance rings work well…and the string gap is preset correctly to allow most any string tricks you can do, to be performed. It comes in 5 different colors: Aluminum-Black-Purple-Blue and Yellow. The printing is only on one side however, and appears to be “surface print”. Therefore, as a precaution, I put a piece of clear laminating material over the printing to prevent it from coming off while being used. Compared to the other “mini yo’s”…in my opinion it performs the best. Don’t expect to do many loops with it however, as it isn’t designed for looping. Since BC has become involved in the TK line, the quality and performance has certainly improved. One must choose the string for this “little guy” very carefully however, as I’ve found the thinner the string…the better it performs. On laying in the string, due to its smallness…I’ve had to slow myself down or I’ll miss the groove every time. Around the world and catch it on the string will even amaze yourself. The pleasure you’ll get from using this yo…is worth the investment.
Review and photo submitted by Hoosier Rudy.
Sweetness. How else can I put it. I’ve had this yo for about 5 hours and can’t believe it’s playablility. I knew being a Tom Kuhn yo-yo I wasn’t gonna get shafted with a bogus gimmick but man, this thing out does it’s self. 1.5″ diameter, ball bearings, and a string gap the size of Madonnas front teeth make cathing the trapeeze a breeze. Excellent weight, about the same as a “normal” size yo. Took me about 10 minutes to get used to the small size but after that it was smooth sailing. Splitting the atom was no prob either. Believe me, for $20.00 this is a steal. And even if you find that you’re better with bigger yo’s at least this’ll make a great conversation peice for your collection. Sweetness.
Submitted by Kris 08/20/02.
being a kuhn fan it was a natural to get the pocket rocket. out of the box the fit and finish was superb. nice solid weight, two brake pads under all that string …maybe i got a lemon but this is the worst yo i’ve owned, even with the brake pads there is about as much response as a rock on a string. i finally had to triple loop the string so it would come up without me yanking like i mad man…even then it was too small to catch!
Submitted by goldfinger airbrush 01/20/03
I have T.K.P.R. 128 and its a great machine with very good stringplay; In just a few minutes I was throwing braintwisters like no ones business. Buy all the Tom Kuhn you can before its all gone.
I agree totally with Goldfinger Airbrush. This is the second worst playing yo-yo I have ever bought in 40 years and I own scores and scores of them. THE worst was a Duncan Transaxtion that wasn’t even worth collecting. (I screamed, pulled my hair, beat my head against a wall, and then pulverized that crapper with a sledge hammer after about 1 hour of totally frustrating ownership.) The Pocket Rocket however IS worth collecting, just not PLAYING. It absolutely will not respond – AT ALL. It just falls to the end of the string and bounces around like a rock without even rotating. It doesn’t matter how many friction stickers you stack on it or how tightly you wind it either. I stacked 3 friction stickers on top of each other on both sides and it did improve, but not nearly enough to make it playable. You just can’t bind it enough to make it spin or respond. It probably would be great for string tricks if you clamped it in a drill first to get it spinning. Honestly, I am flabergasted to see all these people raving about how much they love their Pocket Rocket and how well it plays. It is a heavy, nice, expensive-looking little yo-yo though and that is what saved mine from certain destruction. You probably can’t buy a nicer paper weight anywhere.
I had this yo-yo for about 2 years it was my first and favorite (still is) yo-yo its amaizing for the size sleeps for ever, great qulity. I also have a special edition pocket rocket #67 very cool colector piece